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51 Bracken Road
Dublin D18 CV48

+ (353) 1 443 3857


Improve operational efficiency and protect employees with our AI solutions

Computer vision & our AI Solutions for smarter manufacturing

Optimize operations quickly and efficiently by knowing what needs attention.
By using data from cameras and other edge devices, you can better manage capital assets, improve processes and systems, monitor employee safety and improve security.

1 Speed-up data labeling, counting & classification

Leverage our latest AI base OCR embedded software to easily automate data labelling. Get accurately labelled data sets, generated faster than ever & much more.
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2 Keep employees safe

Analyze real time video or images  to predict where future accidents may occur. Spot fatigued workers standing in dangerous aera. Check employees without PPE. Recognize safety hazards & much more.

3 Optimize Production Efficiency & SOP Validation

Deploy our data treatment suite to access critical information swiftly, aiding decision-making processes,  troubleshooting & much more.
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4 Enhance quality control

Pick-up details and errors with our data treatment & computer vision solutions. Presence/Absence, Errors & failures are instantly flagged and the response is automatically logged and transmitted.

5 Improve security

Improve security checkpoints using face recognition technology through our AI based computer vision and data treatment solutions. 
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6 Predictive maintenance

Avoid downtime by identifying equipment with a high risk of failing, allowing maintenance teams to handle in advance and proactively ordering needed parts. Extend the lifetime (MTBF) of your assets & much more.

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